Aggregates are a component of composite materials such as concrete and asphalt concrete; the aggregate serves as reinforcement to add strength to the overall composite mater.
"Aggregates are defined as inert, granular, and inorganic materials that normally consist of stone or stone-like solids. Aggregates can be used alone (in road bases and various types of fill) or can be used with cementing materials (such as Portland cement or asphalt cement) to form composite materials or concrete. The most popular use of aggregates is to form Portland cement concrete."

Aggregate Crushing Value Test
Aggregate Impact Value Deterationmin
Density (D): weight per unit volume (excluding the pores inside a single aggregate).
Bulk density: the volume includes the pores inside a single aggregate.

Bulk Density and Vioas of Fine Aggregate
Bulk Density and Voias of Coarse Aggregate
The particle size distribution of aggregates is called grading. The grading determine the paste requirement for a workable concrete since the amount of void requires needs to be filled by the same amount of cement paste in a concrete mixture. To obtain a grading curve for aggregate, sieve analysis has to be conducted.

Sieve Analysis of Coarse Aggregate
Sieve Analysis of Coarse Aggregate
Sieve Analysis of Fine Aggregate
Sieve Analysis of Fine Aggregate
Silt Content in Fine Aggregate
Silt Content in Fine Aggregate
Bulk specific gravity is the characteristics generally used for calculation of the volume occupied by the aggregate in various mixtures containing aggregate including portland cement concrete, bituminous concrete, and other mixtures that are porportioned or analyzed on an absolute volume basis
Absorption values are used to calculate the change in the weight of an aggregate due to water absorbed in the pore spaces within the constituent particles, compared to the dry condition, when it is deemed that the aggregate has been in contact with water long enough to satisfy most of the absorption potential.

Specific Gravity & Water Absorption of Coarse Aggregate
Specific Gravity & Water Absorption of Fine Aggregate
"Aggregates are defined as inert, granular, and inorganic materials that normally consist of stone or stone-like solids. Aggregates can be used alone (in road bases and various types of fill) or can be used with cementing materials (such as Portland cement or asphalt cement) to form composite materials or concrete. The most popular use of aggregates is to form Portland cement concrete."
Aggregate Crushing Value Test
Aggregate Impact Value Deterationmin
Density (D): weight per unit volume (excluding the pores inside a single aggregate).
Bulk density: the volume includes the pores inside a single aggregate.
Bulk Density and Vioas of Fine Aggregate
Bulk Density and Voias of Coarse Aggregate
The particle size distribution of aggregates is called grading. The grading determine the paste requirement for a workable concrete since the amount of void requires needs to be filled by the same amount of cement paste in a concrete mixture. To obtain a grading curve for aggregate, sieve analysis has to be conducted.
Sieve Analysis of Coarse Aggregate
Sieve Analysis of Coarse Aggregate
Sieve Analysis of Fine Aggregate
Sieve Analysis of Fine Aggregate
Silt Content in Fine Aggregate
Silt Content in Fine Aggregate
Bulk specific gravity is the characteristics generally used for calculation of the volume occupied by the aggregate in various mixtures containing aggregate including portland cement concrete, bituminous concrete, and other mixtures that are porportioned or analyzed on an absolute volume basis
Absorption values are used to calculate the change in the weight of an aggregate due to water absorbed in the pore spaces within the constituent particles, compared to the dry condition, when it is deemed that the aggregate has been in contact with water long enough to satisfy most of the absorption potential.
Specific Gravity & Water Absorption of Coarse Aggregate
Specific Gravity & Water Absorption of Fine Aggregate
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